Organic Chemistry at the University of Oxford (有机化学在牛津大学)

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  The former home of Organic Chemistry in Oxford, the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, now houses the undergraduate organic teaching laboratories. In recognition of over 80 years of outstanding contribution to Organic Chemistry in the UK, the Dyson Perrins Laboratory was featured in a special issue of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry in 2003, its final year as a research laboratory.

  The resources available to Organic Chemists are fitting for a laboratory of international stature. Particular emphasis is placed on NMR Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry , where the diverse facilities available to researchers are world class. In addition there is a shared Chemistry resource in X-ray crystallography , permitting rapid and easy acquisition of structural data, with all these essential services being coveniently housed in the new laboratory. At both the laboratory and University level the library facilities are excellent, with increasing emphasis on electronic access to journals and databases. The location of the journals and books for the Organic Laboratory Library is available online.


  Inorganic Chemistry

  Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

  South Parks Road

  Oxford OX1 3QR

  Telephone 01865 272600

  Fax 01865 272690

  Organic Chemistry

  Chemistry Research Laboratory

  12 Mansfield Road

  Oxford OX1 3TA

  Telephone 01865 285000

  Fax 01865 285002

  Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

  Physical &Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory

  South Parks Road

  Oxford, OX1 3QZ

  Telephone 01865 275400

  Fax 01865 275410

  Chemical Crystallography

  Chemistry Research Laboratory

  12 Mansfield Road

  Oxford OX1 3TA

  Telephone 01865 285000

  Fax 01865 285021

  Undergraduate Organic Practical Laboratory

  Dyson Perrins

  South Parks Road

  Oxford OX1 3QY

  Telephone 01865 275663